For level=3, a microscopic tunnel junction "Werthamer" model, also known as a tunnel junction model (TJM) is indicated. The model is more physics-based that the empirical RSJ model. The formulation follows the method of
A. A. Odintsov, V. K. Semenov and A. B. Zorin, IEEE Trans. Magn. 23, 763 (1987).as implemented in the the open-source MitMoJCo project on The actual model computations make use of predefined fitting parameters that can be produced with the mmjco program provided with WRspice (B.2). The mmjco program integrates the tunneling current expressions producing a tunnel current amplitude (TCA) table. This is compressed into a smaller representation using the OSZ approach in the reference, which in addition to saving memory allows rapid evaluation of the model expressions, basically replacing a required integration by a short series expansion. Thus model evaluation can be relatively inexpensive, though it is not as fast as the simple RSJ model.
The parameters marked with an asterisk in the area column scale with the ics parameter given in the device line, not necessarily linearly. The present model paradigm assumes that the model parameters apply to a ``reference'' junction, which is a typical mid-critical current device as produced by the fouhdry. Instantiations derive from the reference device for a desired critical current. Appropriate scaling, not necessarily linear, will be applied when formulating instance capacitance and conductances.
Josephson Tunnel Junction Model (Level 3) Parameters
JJ Model Parameters name area parameter units default level Model type - 3 coeffset Coefficient set name - rtype Quasiparticle current enabled - 1 cct Critical current enabled - 1 tnom Parameter measurement temperature K 4.2 deftemp Operating temperature K tnom tc Superconducting transition temperature K 9.26 tc1 Superconducting transition temp side 1 K 9.26 tc2 Superconducting transition temp side 2 K 9.26 tdebye Debye temperature K 276 tdebye1 Debye temperature side 1 K 276 tdebye2 Debye temperature side 2 K 276 smf Riedel smoothing factor - 0.008 nterms Terms in fit table - 8 nxpts Points in TCA table - 500 thr Fitting threshold parameter - 0,2 icrit * Reference junction critical current A 1.0e-3 cap * Reference junction capacitance F 0.7e-12 cpic Capacitance per critical current F/A 0.7e-9 cmu Capacitance scaling parameter 0.0 vm Reference junction icrit*rsub V 16.5e-3 rsub or r0 * Reference junction subgap resistance ![]()
vm/icrit gmu Conductance scaling parameter 0.0 icfct or icfact Ratio of critical to step currents - /4
force no limits imposed on vm, rsub 0 vshunt Voltage to specify external shunt resistance V 0.0 lsh0 Shunt resistor inductance constant part H 0.0 lsh1 Shunt resistor inductance per ohm H/ ![]()
0.0 tsfactor Phase change max per time step per 2 ![]()
tsaccel Ratio max time step to that at <tt>vdp</tt> 1.0 del1 (read only) Energy gap side 1 V del2 (read only) Energy gap side 2 V vg or vgap (read only) Gap voltage V
Detailed information about these parameters is presented below.
These files are produced automatically as needed according to the given model parameters and cached in the users .mmjco directory. Therefor it is not common to use this parameter to load a set by name, except to supply a name for a sweep file that the user has prepared with mmjco which would provide precomputed data for all temperatures that might be of use, thereby avoiding on-the-fly table creation which can take some time.
There are two built-in coefficient sets, ``tjm1'' (the default) and ``tjm2''. These are the MitMoJCo NbNb_4k2_008 and NbNb_4K2_001 parameter sets, respectively. Both assume niobium at temperature 4.2K and differ in the level of smoothing applied to mitigate the Riedel singularity. </dl>
C = cap(A(1 - cmu) +Here, A is the ``area'' scaling factor, which is the ratio of the junction critical current to the reference critical current.cmu)
The intrinsic subgap conductivity will be subtracted if smaller than the given vm implies. If vm is set to 0, then no additional conductivity will be added and only the intrinsic conductivity will be seen. Often, the intrinsic subgap conductivity is much smaller than observed in real junctions.
The subgap conductance will be reduced by the intrinsic condutance if this is smaller. If vm is given as 0 and this parameter is not given, the parameter value will be 0. If the value is 0, no additional conductance will be added.
Gx = Gx0(A(1 - gmu) +Here, Gx refers to either the subgap or normal conductance, Gx0 is the same parameter for the reference junction. The A is the scaling parameter, that is, the ratio of instance to reference critical currents. The default value is 0, meaning that scaling is assumed purely linear, which will be the case until a number is provided through additional data analysis. It may prove necessary to have separate scaling parameters for subgap and above gap condutance, at which time a new model parameter may be added.gmu)
When simulating SFQ circuits, between SFQ pulses there is often significant time where signals are quiescent and one could probably take larger time steps, speeding simulation. This appears true to an extent, however one can see signs of instability if steps are too large.
The tsaccel parameter is the ratio of the longest time step allowed to that allowed at the dropback voltage. In computing the time step, the low voltage threshold is reduced to the dropback voltage divided by tsaccel, so time steps will be inversely proportional to voltages above this value.
Experimentation suggests that a value of 2.5 is a good choice for RSFQ circuits, your results may vary.