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The Files Tool

This panel is available from the Files button in the Tools menu of the Tool Control window. It provides a listing of files found in each directory of the ``sourcepath'' search path. The sourcepath is a list of directories that are searched for circuit description files, if a file name is given to WRspice without a path prefix.

The panel contains a drop-down menu which has an entry for each directory in the search path. The main text area lists the files found in the currently selected directory.

A file from the list can be selected by clicking with mouse button 1 on the text. The text can be deselected by clicking in the text window away from any text. The file listing participates in the drag/drop protocol as a drag source and drop receiver.

The following buttons are provided:

If a file is selected, bring up a text editor with the file loaded as with the edit command. If no file is selected, the button becomes active, and the user can click on a file in the text window to edit it.
If a file is selected, source it as with the source command. If no file is selected, the button becomes active, and the user can click on a file in the text window to source it.
Bring up help on this panel.
Remove the files panel from the screen.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29