Next: The stats Command
Up: The rusage Command
Previous: Real Valued Database Entries
- accept
This keyword prints the number of accepted time points from the last
transient analysis.
- equations
Print the number of nodes in the current circuit, including internally
generated nodes. This includes the ground node so is one larger than
the matrix size.
- fillin
Print the number of fillins generated during matrix reordering and
factoring. This is not available from KLU.
- involcxswitch
This provides the number of involuntary context switches seen during
the last analysis. If multiple threads are being used, this is the
total for all threads.
- loadthrds
Report the number of threads used for device evaluation and matrix
loading during the most recent dc (including operating point) or
transient analysis. This would be at most the value of the loadthrds option variable in effect during the analysis, but is the
number of threads actually used.
- loopthrds
Report the number of threads in use for repetitive analysis in the
most recent analysis run. This would be at most the value of the loopthrds option variable in effect during the analysis, but is the
number of threads actually used.
- matsize
Print the size of the circuit matrix.
- nonzero
Print the number of nonzero matrix elements.
- pagefaults
Report the number of page faults seen during the most recent analysis.
- rejected
This keyword prints the number of rejected time points in the last
transient analysis.
- runs
In Monte Carlo, operating range, and sweep analysis, this returns
the number of trial runs over which statistics have accumulated.
- totiter
This keyword prints the total number of Newton iterations used in
the last analysis.
- trancuriters
This prints the number of Newton iterations used in the most recent
transient analysis time point evaluation.
- traniter
The traniter keyword will print the number of iterations used in
the last transient analysis. This does not include iterations used in
the operating point calculation, unlike totiter which includes
these iterations.
- tranitercut
The number if times that the most recent transient analysis had a time
step cut by iteration count. If the itl4 limit is reached when
attempting convergence at a transient time point, the timestep is cut
and convergence is reattempted.
- tranpoints
This keyword prints the number of internal time steps used in the
last transient analysis.
- trantrapcut
This is the number of times in the most recent transient analysis that
a timestep was cut due to the trapcheck algorithm. This may occur
when the trapcheck variable is set, which enables a test to
detect numerical problems in trapezoidal integration.
- volcxswitch
This provides the number of voluntary context switches seen during the
last analysis. If multiple threads are being used, this is the total
for all threads.
Next: The stats Command
Up: The rusage Command
Previous: Real Valued Database Entries
Stephen R. Whiteley