Next: Inductor Model
Up: Passive Element Lines
Previous: Capacitor Model
- General Form:
lname n+ n- [value | modname]
[options] [ind=expr | poly c0 [c1 ...]]
[m=mult] [ic=val]
- Examples:
llink 42 69 1uh
lshunt 23 51 10u ic=15.7ma
The n+ and n- are the positive and
negative element nodes, respectively, and value is the
inductance, for a constant value inductor. An inductor model modname can optionally be specified. Presently the inductor model
holds only a parallel multiplier default, so an inductance must be
specified in addition to the model.
The parameters accepted for the inductor device are:
- m=mult
This is the parallel multiplier which is the number of devices
effectively in parallel. The given inductance is divided by this
value. It overrides any `m' multiplier found in the inductor
- ic=val
The initial condition is the initial (time-zero) value of inductor
current (in Amps) that flows from n+, through the
inductor, to n-. The initial condition (if any) applies
only when the uic option is specified in transient analysis.
- ind=expr
The expr is an expression yielding the inductance in henries.
This is the partial derivative of flux with respect to branch current,
possibly as a function of other circuit variables. The keyword can
alse be given as ``inductance'' or ``l'', or may be
omitted since this is the default parameter. Note that the expression
can depend on the branch current, in which case the device is
- poly c0 [c1 ...]
This form allows specification of a polynomial inductance, which will
take the form
Inductance =
c0 + c1 . i + c2 . i2...
where i is the current flowing through the device from the
positive to the negative element nodes. There is no built-in limit to
the number of terms.
Next: Inductor Model
Up: Passive Element Lines
Previous: Capacitor Model
Stephen R. Whiteley