The following rules are applied when connecting by location.
net[7] = X[0]A[0]
net[6] = X[0]A[1]
net[5] = X[1]A[0]
net[4] = X[1]A[1]
net[3] = X[2]A[0]
net[2] = X[2]A[1]
net[1] = X[3]A[0]
net[0] = X[3]A[1]
If the widths do not match, a warning will be issued. Xic will connect what it can, in an order like that above, but some bits will remain unconnected.
net[1] = X[0]A[0], X[1]A[0], X[2]A[0], X[3]A[0]
net[0] = X[0]A[1], X[1]A[1], X[2]A[1], X[3]A[1]