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Cell Organization and Libraries

Xic provides several methods by which collections of cells can be organized.

The strategy used to organize cells is highly dependent upon the user's needs and preferences. Below are some recommendations which are probably suitable for most applications.

Library files have a simple format which allows the user to easily create and customize them with a text editor. There is a !mklib command in Xic which can create a new library or append to an existing library references to cells in the current editing hierarchy or cells in a given archive file.

If one clicks on a reference in a library content listing which points to another library, without a resolving ``cellname'', a second content window appears providing a listing of the second library's references. Thus, when constructing library files, one should use an easily recognizable name for browsable references to other libraries. This is natural, if the file name is used as the reference name, and the filename has a ``.lib'' extension as is recommended.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29