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The Logging Button: Set Logging and Debugging Options

This Logging button in the Help Menu brings up the Logging Options panel, from which various logging and debugging options can be set. Probably, there is not much here that would be of interest to most users. Some users may find this useful for diagnosing problems, however.

The top half of the panel contains a number of check boxes, each with a description. Checking these boxes enables a debugging mode for the described subsystem or feature. This may involve additional consistency testing and messages. By default, these messages will go to the console window, unless a path to a file is entered into the Message file entry area, in which case messages will be saved in that file.

The bottom half of the panel enables logging output from the indicated subsystems, into the file whose name is given. These files will be created in the log files area, which is a temporary directory that is removed on normal program exit. The files in the log files area can be accessed with the Log Files button in the Help Menu.

This panel can also be brought up with the (undocumented) !debug command. --------------------------------------

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29