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Device Property Labels

Labels are created internally for device properties in electrical mode. These labels can be moved, deleted, and edited just as user-supplied labels. Once deleted, though, such labels can not be recreated except by recreating the device, or by using the !regen command. The underlying property is not deleted, it simply is not displayed in a label.

These labels can be ``hidden'' by clicking on the label text with button 1 with the Shift key held. This replaces the label text with a small box icon. Shift-clicking the icon will redisplay the text. This can be useful when long labels obscure other features. See 7.9.7 for more information.

Labels can be edited by selecting the label before pressing the label button. If the label was generated for a property in electrical mode, the underlying property is also changed. This is a quick way to modify device properties, without invoking the Properties command button in the Edit Menu.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29