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Cell Filtering

The Cell List Filter panel appears when the Filter button in the Cells Listing panel, which is obtained from the Cell Menu. This provides criteria that enables a cell to be listed in the Cells Listing.

Each entry contains two check boxes, with logic such that at most one can be set at a time. Each is assiciated with some assertion about a cell. If the left box is checked, the cell will be listed if the assertion is not true. If the right box is checked, the cell will be listed if the assertion is true. If neither is checked, the assertion is not tested.

A cell will be listed if all tests indicate that the cell should be listed. If no tests are done, the cell will be listed by default. The available tests are described below.

List cells with the IMMUTABLE flag set.
not Immutable
List cells with the IMMUTABLE flag not set.

Via sub-master
List cells that are standard via sub-masters (physical only).
not Via sub-master
List cells that are not standard via sub-masters (physical only).

List cells with the LIBRARY flag set.
not Library
List cells with the LIBRARY flag not set.

PCell sub-master
List cells that are parameterized cell sub-masters (physical only).
not PCell sub-master
List cells that are not parameterized cell sub-masters (physical only).

List cells that are devices (electrical only).
not Device
List cells that are not devices (electrical only).

Top level
List cells that are top level (not used as a subcell).
not Top level
List cells that are not top level.

List cells that are modified, i.e., have been changed in some way.
not Modified
List cells that are not modified.

With alt
List cells that have an alternate-mode cell defined, i.e., in the physical listing, list cells if an electrical mode cell of the same name exists.
not With alt
List cells that have no alternate-mode cell defined.

List reference cells. These are special cells that reference another cell hierarchy.
not Reference
List cells that are not reference cells.

Parent cells
This makes use of the text entry area on the same line which can contain a list of cell names. List cells that use at least one of the listed cells as subcells. If the text entry is empty, list cells that contain subcells.
not Parent cells List cells that do not contain any of the cells listed in the text area as subcells, or list cells that contain no subcells if the text area is empty.

This makes use of the text entry area on the same line which can contain a list of cell names. List cells that are subcells of any of the listed cells. If the text area is empty, list cells that are used as a subcell of another cell in memory.
not Subcell
List cells that are not a subcell of any of the cells listed in the text area. If the text area is empty, list cells that are not used as a subcell.

With layers
This makes use of the text entry area on the same line which can contain a list of layer names. List cells that contain objects on any of the layers listed. If the text area is empty, list cells that contain any geometry.
not With layers
List cells that do not have any geometry on the listed layers. If the text area is empty, list cells that have no geometry.

With flags
This makes use of the text entry area on the same line which can contain a list of flag names (see 9.4.3). At least one flag must be given or the test is ignored. List cells that have one or more of the listed flags set.
not With flags
The text area must have at least one entry or the test is ignored. List cells that do not have any of the listed flags set.

From filetypes
This makes use of the text entry area on the same line which can contain a list of file type names from among ``none'', ``native'', ``cgx'', ``cif'', ``gds'', ``oasis'', and ``openaccess''. Only the first two letters are needed. List cells that were read from one of the listed file types. Internally generated cells will have type ``none''. If the list of types is empty, the test is ignored.
not From filetypes
List cells that were not read from the listed file types. The test is ignored if the type list is empty.

When the Apply button is pressed, the cell listing in the Cells Listing panel will be updated to reflect the given filtering criteria.

The filtering state can be saved to and recalled from five registers, through the Store and Recall menus. There are separate register sets for electrical and physical display modes.

The filter state can also be expressed as a string, using keywords. Presently, this is used only by the ListCellsInMem script function. Each keyword or keyword/value pair represents a clause, and the displayed cells are the logical AND of the clauses given. The available clauses are described below.

List cells with the IMMUTABLE flag set.
List cells the IMMUTABLE flag not set.

List cells that are standard via sub-masters (physical only).
List cells that are not standard via sub-masters (physical only).

List cells with the LIBRARY flag set.
List cells with the LIBRARY flag not set.

List cells that are parameterized cell sub-masters (physical only).
List cells that are not parameterized cell sub-masters (physical only).

List device cells.
List cells that are not device cells.

List cells that are not used as a subcell, i.e., top-level cells.
List cells that are used as a subcell, i.e., not top-level.

List cells with the MODIFIED flag set.
List cells with the MODIFIED flag not set.

List cells that have an alternate-mode cell defined, i.e., in the physical listing, keep cells if an electrical mode cell of the same name exists.
List cells without an alternate-mode cell defined.

List reference cells.
List cells that are not reference cells.

parent "cellname1 cellname2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of cell names. List cells that use at least one of the cells in the list as subcells. If the cell list is empty, specified by two quote marks "", list cells that have subcells.
notparent "cellname1 cellname2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of cell names. List cells that do not have any of the listed cells as subcells. If the cell list is empty, specified by two quote marks "", list cells that have no subcells.

subcell "cellname1 cellname2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of cell names. List cells that are used as a subcell in one or more of the listed cells. If the cell list is empty, specified by two quote marks "", list cells used as a subcell (same as nottoplev)
nosubcell "cellname1 cellname2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of cell names. List cells that are not used as a subcell in any of the listed cells. If the cell list is empty, specified by two quote marks "", list cells that are not used as a subcell (same as toplev).

layer "layername1 layername2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of layer names. List cells that have objects on one or more of the listed layers. If the layer list is empty, specified by two quote marks "", list cells that have some geometry on any layer.
notlayer "layername1 layername2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of layer names. List cells that do not have geometry on any of the listed layers. If the layer list is empty, specified by two quote marks "", list cells that have no geometry.

flag "flagname1 flagname2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of flag names (see 9.4.3). List cells that have at least one of the listed flags set. If the list is empty, the clause is ignored.
notflag "flagname1 flagname2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of flag names. List cells that have none one of the listed flags set. If the list is empty, the clause is ignored.

ftype "filetype1 filetype2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of file types, from ``none'', ``native'', ``gds'', ``cgx'', ``oasis'', ``cif'', and ``openaccess''. Only the first two letters of the type names are necessary. List cells that were read from one of the listed file types. Internally generated cells will have type ``none''. If the list is empty, the clause is ignored.
notftype "filetype1 filetype2 ..."
This keyword requires a following quoted list of file types, as above. List cells that were read from a file type that is not in the list. If the list is empty, the clause is ignored.


notlibrary layer "M1 M2" parent cell1 notparent cell2
List cells that are not library cells and that contain objects on M1 or M2, and contain cell1 but don't contain cell2.

subcell maincell layer BASE notlayer VIA notparent ""
List subcells of maincell that have objects on layer BASE but have no objects on layer VIA and that have no subcells.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29