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The Main Window Button: Attributes sub-menu

The Main Window button in the Attributes Menu brings up a sub-menu which is identical to the Attributes menu in the sub-windows produced by the Viewport button in the View Menu. The menu contains attribute settings which apply to the main window. When a new sub-window appears, its attributes are inherited from the main window, but can be reset for the sub-window through its Attributes menu.

Main Window Sub-Menu
Label Name Pop-up Function
Freeze Display freez none Suppress redisplay
Show Context in Push cntxt none Show context in subedit
Show Phys Properties props none Show physical properties
Show Labels labls none Show labels
Label True Orient larot none Show labels transformed
Show Cell Names cnams none Show cell names
Cell Name true Orient cnrot none Show cell names transformed
Don't Show Unexpanded nouxp none Don't show unexpanded subcells
Objects Shown objs none Object display control
Subthreshold Boxes tinyb none Show outline of subthreshold cells
No Top Symbolic nosym none Electrical only, don't show top cell as symbolic
Set Grid grid Grid Setup Set grid parameters

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29