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Layer Filtering and Aliasing

The Import Control and Format Conversion panels have a common module for layer operations. There is provision for controlling which layers from an input archive file are read. The default action is to read all layers contained in the archive file, however this can be changed for physical data only with the Layer list, and the Layers Only and Skip Layers buttons. Layers can be mapped to other layer names with the layer alias list, when enabled by the Use Layer Alias button. The layer alias list can be edited with a pop-up editor.

The module contains the following controls:

Layer List text area
The Layer List can be set to a space-separated list of layer names. Each layer name is expected to match an effective layer name in the file being read. For file types such as GDSII that designate layers with layer/datatype integers, either the hex encoding or decimal form can be used, with wildcarding accepted. This text area tracks the value of the LayerList variable.

Layers Only check box
If this box is checked, only the layers listed in the Layer List will be read. The button tracks the state of the UseLayerList variable.

Skip Layers check box
This box can be checked if the Layers Only box is unchecked, and this also tracks the status of the UseLayerList variable. When checked, layers listed in the Layer List will be ignored in input.

Use Layer Aliases check box
When set, the current layer alias list will be applied to layers found in the file. This button tracks the state of the UseLayerAlias variable. The layer alias list tracks the value of the LayerAlias variable. Aliases are applied before the Layer List tests.

Edit Layer Aliases button
This button brings up a panel for editing the layer alias list. This amounts to setting or modifying the value of the Layer Alias variable.

The panel contains a listing of two columns: the left column for layer names, and the right column for the alias. There are three drop-down menus: File, Edit, and Help.

The File menu contains entries for saving the layer alias list to a disk file, and for reading in the entries from a disk file.

The Edit menu contains entries to add, delete, and edit individual aliases, and to select listing layer names in ``decimal'' form.

A row in the listing can be selected by clicking on it. The selected entry is acted on by the Delete and Edit commands.

The New command brings up a text input pop-up to solicit a name and alias pair (separated by space and/or an equal sign). Both entries must be valid layer names or encodings. Either entry can use the decimal or hex notation, or can be a CIF name, as appropriate for the type of file.

If the Decimal Form menu item is checked, the listing will use the decimal form for layer/datatype entries. Otherwise, the hex form will be displayed.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29