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The Use Window button controls whether or not a rectangular area is to be used. If this button is set, only the objects that intersect this area will appear in the output. For subcells, only the objects that appear within the window for some instance will be converted in the corresponding cell. The rectangular area can be set with the Left, Bottom, Right, and Top entry areas. These are coordinates, in microns, in the coordinate system of the top-level cell, after scaling is applied. Only geometry that overlaps the window area will be included in the file. However, when viewing the new file, geometry in subcells that also exist outside of the window area will be visible, unless the hierarchy is flattened.

If the Clip to Window button is active in addition to the Use Window button, objects will be clipped to the given window. Without clipping, the entire object is retained. With clipping, the objects will be clipped to the window given. Again, unless the hierarchy is also flattened, geometry in subcells that also exist outside of the window will be displayed when viewing the new file.

When clipping, wires that require clipping are converted to polygons.

There are eight registers available for saving bounding-box parameters. With the S (store) button, the current values in the four text entry areas that define the rectangle can be saved in one of the registers. With the R (recall) button, the saved parameters can be retrieved into the text entry areas. These registers are shared with other pop-ups that used windowing. The 0 register is used by the Cut and Export command to save the rectangle defined with the mouse, the other registers are not directly used by any command. The Cut and Export command can be used as a short-cut for entering rectangle data through user of register 0. Press Cut and Export (in the Convert Menu), drag in a drawing window to define a rectangle, then press Esc to abort the command. Then, recall register 0.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29