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Cell Name Modification

This group allows systematic changes to the cell names read from the source layout file. If the source is a CHD, then the cell name modifications described here are performed after any cell modifications configured into the CHD.

Prefix and Suffix text entries
Text entered into these text areas will be added as a prefix or suffix to cell names encountered when reading the source file. The entries are string tokens, containing any alphanumeric characters plus `$', `?', `_'. String tokens given in this form will be prepended/appended to each cell name read from the source.

A limited text substitution mechanism is available. The string tokens can also have the form /str/sub/ which indicates a substitution. This causes the str if it appears as a prefix/suffix of a cell name to be replaced by sub. The sub can be empty (i.e., the form is /str//) which can be used to undo the previous addition of a prefix or suffix. Forms like //sub/ are equivalent to just giving sub as a string.

To Lower and To Upper check boxes
If set, To Lower will convert upper case cell names to lower case, and To Upper will convert lower case cell names to upper. Mixed case cell names are not affected. Case conversion is performed before any applied prefix/suffix.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29