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Up: The Assemble Button: Layout
Previous: Top-Level Cells List
If a cell name is selected in the Top-Level Cells listing, the
entries in the Basic tab page become enabled. One may have to
click on the ``Basic'' tab to display the entries. These control the
transformation of the selected cell when instantiated in the top-level
cell in the output file. If there is no top-level cell name given,
these entries will be ignored.
- Placement Name entry
The Placement Name field can be filled in with a new name. The
selected cell will be saved under this name, rather than its real
name, in output. Any name modifications in force will be applied to
this name.
- Basic transformation entries
This tab page contains entries that control the transformation of the
selected cell when instantiated. The Placement X,Y entries set
the translation coordinates in microns. The origin of the selected
cell will be mapped to this location in the output top-level cell.
Additionally, the cell instance can be rotated, mirrored, or
magnified. The Rotation Angle menu provides rotation angle
choices: multiples of 45 degrees. The Mirror-Y button will
invert the Y-coordinates before rotation. The Magnification
entry can change the scaling of the instantiation.
Next: Advanced Operations
Up: The Assemble Button: Layout
Previous: Top-Level Cells List
Stephen R. Whiteley