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MinEdgeLength Rule

Syntax: MinEdgeLength [EdgeArgs] expression length [string]

This test checks the length of the edges where source and target figures intersect. For each edge of the source figure, the parts of the edge where expression is true on both sides of the edge are considered. If the length of the part is less than the given length, a violation is flagged.


Rule: ``M3 width must be 2 microns or greater when crossing over M2 edges.''

This can be handled in two ways. The first method is to put the rule in the M2 block:

Layer M2
MinEdgeLength M3 2

The second approach is to put a slightly different implementation into the M3 block. This has a problem in that if the M3 is composed of several objects which together provide the minimum edge length, this test will fail since it looks at the objects individually.

Layer M3
MinEdgeLength Region M2 M3 2

Figure 15.7: The MinEdgeLength test. The length of the intersecting edge of the present figure (solid) and the target (dotted) must be greater than the value given.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2025-02-09