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The Create Layer Button: Create Error Region Layer

The Create Layer button in the DRC Menu will create objects on a given layer corresponding to the error regions in the current highlighting list. These are the actual error regions with solid outline highlighting, and not the ``bad'' objects which are also marked but with a dashed outline. This operation can be useful for adding the errors to a design file for subsequent processing, and for other purposes.

The Update Highlighting command button can be used to generate a highlighting list from an existing DRC error log file.

The user is first prompted for a layer name. Any suitable layer name can be given. A new layer will be created if the name does not match an existing name.

The layer will be cleared before the operation starts. Objects (database polygons and boxes) will be created only in the current cell.

A second prompt allows the user to provide an integer property value. If the user supplies a value larger than 0, a property will be applied to each object with the given number, containing a string with the text of the corresponding error message. The Show Phys Properties mode, available from the Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu and the Attributes menu of sub-windows, can be used to display these messages. If a positive integer is not given, no property will be stored with the new objects.

The !errlayer prompt line command performs an identical operation.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29