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The Misc Config Button: Misc. Extraction Settings

The Extraction Setup panel appears in response to pressing the Setup button in the Extract Menu. The panel has four tabbed pages: Views and Operations, Net and Cell Config, Device Config, and Misc Config. These will be described in the sections that follow.

Common to all pages are two buttons which will invalidate or initiate extraction. This is usually done automatically -- extraction is invalidated if the design changes somehow, and recomputed when needed. The buttons can force recomputation which may be useful on occasion.

Clear Extraction
Pressing this button will clear the internal validation flags, which will cause Xic to recompute extraction when extraction results are next needed. This is normally done automatically if the layout or schematic changes, or a setup variable is changed.

Do Extraction
Pressing this button will perform the full extraction and association, if necessary. This is normally done automatically when needed within commands. Once done, flags are set indicating the validity of the current extraction data structures, avoiding recomputation unless something changes, or Clear Extraction is pressed.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29