This feature set corresponds to the XicII virtual product. This was once a stand-alone layout editor product. Currently, the same functionality is provided via running Xic with the EDITOR feature set, which was formerly imposed during license authentication.
One can force running with the EDITOR feature set by setting the environment variable FORCE_XICII before starting the Xic program.
This feature set restricts the functionality to physical layout editing. This provides a low-cost alternative for users that do not require the full functionality of Xic. We will continue to use ``XicII'' to refer to Xic running with this feature set.
In order to streamline support and maintenance, the documentation tree, i.e., the manual, help database, and release notes, is common to all feature sets. This is a slight disadvantage to users of restricted feature sets, as the documentation contains descriptions of disabled features, which may lead to confusion. However, this greatly simplifies maintaining the documentation.
This section will list the differences and features that are unavailable in the XicII virtual product.
The right side of the conditional can take these values: