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Example Scripts in User Menu

The Xic installation provides some example scripts, which will appear in the User Menu. To use these buttons (or any menu buttons) while in help mode, press Shift while pressing the menu button.

blackbg: Use a black drawing window background.
This reverts drawing window colors to use a black background, which is the default.

fullcursor: Set/unset full-window cursor.
This command executes a script that toggles whether the FullWinCursor variable is set. When set, the default cursor consists of horizontal and vertical lines that extend completely across the drawing window. The lines intersect at the nearest snap point in the current window.

paths: Set search-path script.
This command executes a script which allows the search path variables to be edited graphically. These variables are otherwise set with the !set command, or from the technology file.

spiral: Spiral generator demo script.
This is a text-based command for creating a spiral feature. A series of prompts is given on in the prompt line, where the user supplies dimensions, number of turns, etc. When the prompts are complete, an outline of the spiral is attached to the mouse pointer, and will be instantiated in the drawing window where the user clicks, on the current layer.

spiralform: Form-based spiral generator demo script.
This is a graphical version of the spiral script, where the user fills in a form instead of responding to prompts. This is a demonstration of the capability of Xic to use HTML forms as a front-end to command scripts.

whitebg: Use a white drawing window background.
Switch to use of a white background color in drawing windows. This adjusts certain attribute colors for greater contrast, and is intended for schematics.

whitebw: Use black on white in drawing windows.
Similar to whitebg except that non-background is black. This is intetended for export of schematics to black and white media.

yank: Copy geometry to new cell demo script.
This example script allows the user to copy all geometry in a rectangular area, independent of hierarchy, to a new flat cell. The user clicks twice to define the area, and responds to the prompt for a new cell name. All geometry in the area is copied, clipped to the area, and added to the new cell. The original objects are not affected.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29