The following paragraphs describe the environment variables which are
relevant to Xic.
If this variable is set when Xic starts, the program will run as
XicII. XicII was a reduced feature set (layout editor only)
version of Xic available at lower cost. Operating in this mode may
simplify things for some users. One can create an ``xicii''
program with the following shell script:
#! /bin/sh
FORCE_XICII=1 xic $*
If this variable is set when Xic starts, the program will run as
Xiv. Xiv was a reduced feature set (layout viewer only) version
of Xic available at lower cost. Operating in this mode may
simplify things for some users. One can create an ``xiv''
program with the following shell script:
#! /bin/sh
FORCE_XIV=1 xic $*
This environment variable applies only to the Xic program. If
found in the environment when Xic starts, it is expected to contain
a path to the Xic installation area or equivalent, which defaults
to ``/usr/local/xictools/xic''. This overrides XT_PREFIX
if that environment variable is also found.
There is an important subtlety when using this variable. Although it
allows Xic to find its startup files anywhere, only the directory
structure implied by XT_PREFIX, that is, for Xic,
is compatible with the program installation script. The variable is
perhaps useful for pointing Xic toward a secondary set of startup
files, perhaps heavily customized by the user, which may reside in
an arbitrary location.
This can be set to an X-style geometry string, to specify the
default size and position of the Xic main window.
If the geometry has been specified, Xic will use it to position and
size the main window (if the window manager permits this). The
geometry specification, used to define window size and position, is a
string in the form
where width, height, xoff, and yoff are
numbers representing screen pixels. The ``x'' or ``X''
between the width and height is literal. A plus sign
' or minus sign `-
' must appear ahead of xoff and yoff.
- +
The left edge of the window is to be placed xoff pixels in from
the left edge of the screen.
- -
The right edge of the window is to be placed xoff pixels in from
the right edge of the screen.
- +
The top edge of the window is to be yoff pixels below the top
edge of the screen.
- -
The bottom edge of the window is to be yoff pixels above the
bottom edge of the screen.
The value is a path to a directory. If given, the directory is
searched for the technology file, if not found in the current
directory, and before other locations are checked.
By default, Xic uses the directory /tmp for temporary files.
In some installations, this directory may be too small to accommodate
the large files needed by Xic, for example when producing hard copy
plots. An alternative directory for temporary files can be specified
with the XIC_TMP_DIR environment variable (which has
precedence) or with the TMPDIR variable, which is a Unix
standard. One of these should be set to a path to a directory to use
for temporary files, if necessary.
The variable XIC_LOGDIR can be set to a path to a directory
which will be used to store certain log files produced while Xic is
running. The location used for the log files is the first defined of
none of these variables is defined. The log files are removed on
normal exit.
If the variable XIC_MENU_RIGHT is defined in the environment,
Xic will place the side menu and layer table to the right of the
main window. The default to to place the menu at the left.
If this variable is set in the environment when Xic starts, the
buttons in the side menu will be arrayed horizontally across the top
of the main window instead.
If this variable is set in the environment when Xic starts, error
messages concerning plug-in loading will be printed in the console
window. Without this set, Xic will simply silently not load a
plug-in if an error occurs. These diagnostic messages can help
identify why the plug-in is not being loaded, and are instrumental in
tracking down problems when the user expects success.
This variable is deprecated. Under Windows, it is interpreted in the
same manner as XT_HOMEDIR.
If the environment variable XIC_EXIT_CMD is set to a command string,
that command will be executed when Xic exits. If the command string
contains spaces, the command should be quoted. For example, using
setenv XIC_EXIT_CMD "/usr/games/fortune -o"
may print a rude limerick on some installations. This feature may
have less frivolous uses, however.
There are four additional environment variables used to specify
locations where Xic is to look for certain types of files. These
variables are XIC_SYM_PATH, XIC_LIB_PATH, XIC_HLP_PATH, and XIC_SCR_PATH. These variables are
described in the next section.
The internal default values for the paths assume that the installation
location is the standard place under /usr/local, or if the XT_PREFIX variable is set, that value will be taken instead of
The environment variable XIC_DOCS_DIR can be set to an
alternate location for the archive of release notes. This location is
searched in the Release Notes command in the Help Menu.
The default location is /usr/local/xictools/xic/docs, or,
if XT_PREFIX is set, its value will replace /usr/local.
Plugins are normally found in the plugins directory in the
installation area, which by default is
This variable can be set to the full path to the OpenAccess plug-in,
which Xic will attempt to load on program startup instead of
looking in the default location.
Plugins are normally found in the plugins directory in the
installation area, which by default is
This variable can be set to the full path to the Python plug-in,
which Xic will attempt to load on program startup instead of
looking in the default location.
Plugins are normally found in the plugins directory in the
installation area, which by default is
This variable can be set to the full path to the TclTk or Tcl-only
plug-in, which Xic will attempt to load on program startup instead
of looking in the default location.
This applies to Linux and macOS only. If set, the value will be
prepended to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the Xic wrapper script.
This can be used to point to installed libraries needed for plugins,
for example the OpenAccess libraries,
without having to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the environment.
(Qt macOS only) By default, Xic will use the Apple menu
in the upper left of the screen. This has no tooltips and can
not be selected programmatically. It this variable is set,
Xic will use Linux-style menus in the main window which
behave as they do in Linux, enabling access to macros.
If the variable XICNOMAIL is set, no mail will be sent during a
crash. If a fatal error is encountered, a file named ``gdbout''
is created in the current directory, which contains a stack backtrace
from the stack frame of the error. Despite the name, the file is
generated internally on all platforms, and no longer makes use of the
gdb program.
By default, this file will be emailed to Whiteley Research for
analysis. However, the emailing can be suppressed by setting this
variable in the environment. The gdbout file is produced in any
case, and would be very useful to Whiteley Research for fixing program
This has the same effect as XICNOMAIL but also prevents email
from the WRspice program.
When connecting to SPICE in the run command, the SPICE_HOST variable is used to set the name of a remote SPICE host
which provides SPICE service. The name can optionally be followed by
a colon and a port number, if a non-default port is used by the SPICE
server. The SPICE_EXEC_DIR environment variable provides the
directory which contains the wrspice executable, which may need
to be identified to Xic if it is other than /usr/local/bin.
The SPICE_EXEC_NAME environment variable can be used to
provide an alternate name for the wrspice executable, if it has
been changed. The default is, of course, ``wrspice''. Each or
these environment variables can be overridden by a corresponding
internal variable, which can be set with the !set command.
The printing interface includes a driver for generating image files in
various formats. A few formats are handled internally, however vastly
more are available through other software that may be available on the
system. The driver can usually locate these programs by looking in
standard places, however, if the programs exist but can't be located,
this variable can be set to a colon-separated list of directories to
search for the executables. This applies to Unix/Linux/macOS only.
See the description of the Image print driver in 8.6.2
for more information.