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Abnormal Termination Logging
If Xic experiences an internal memory referencing error, Xic
will terminate. Such occurrences should be rare to nonexistent,
however this is the ideal and generally not the reality. During a
``panic'', the following will happen:
- A subdirectory will be created in the current directory, with
the name ``'', where pid is the process
id number of the running program.
- All cells in memory that have the modified flag set will be
written into this directory. The files will be in the original file
format. Cells created in Xic and never saved will be saved in
native format. Although it can not be guaranteed that these files are
not corrupted by whatever error occurred, generally they are clean and
accurately reflect unsaved work. After a thorough check, they can be
copied back to the original file name.
- A file named ``xic_panic.log'' is created in the current
directory. This contains the log messages emitted while the modified
cells are being dumped, and other information.
- The log files that are normally removed after normal exit are
retained. The location of the log files is given in the xic_panic.log file.
- Unless either of the environment variables XICNOMAIL or
XTNOMAIL is set, a stack trace is emailed to Whiteley Research,
which will be analyzed to resolve the cause of the fault, and if
possible the problem will be fixed in the next Xic release. The
file that is emailed is named ``gdbout''. The file will be
created in the current directory.
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Stephen R. Whiteley