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The !find Command: Find Devices

Syntax: !find [devicename[.prefix[.index]]]
This command will find and highlight devices in physical layout windows showing the current cell, and also highlight the corresponding device symbols in windows showing the schematic of current cell. It is basically a command line version of the device listing/highlighting feature of the Show/Select Devices panel from the Device Selections button in the Extract Menu.

The argument list consists of at most three fields, separated by periods. Missing fields are wildcards. The devicename is one of the names from a device block in the technology file. The prefix is from the Prefix line of the device block. The indices is a list of space or comma-separated integers, or hyphen-separated ranges of integers. The integers are the index values of the physical devices. If this field is not given, any index value will be highlighted, otherwise only the devices with an index that matches a value or falls in a range will be highlighted.

With no argument, any existing device highlighting will be erased.

If the first component is empty, or the keyword all, all devices known from the technology file are acted on. Thus, ``!find all'' or ``!find .'' will display all known devices. One can also give, for example, ``!find ..1'' which will show all devices with index 1.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29