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The !split Command: Atomize Objects

Syntax: !split [v| V| 1]
This is basically the reverse of !join. Selected polygons will be converted to collections of boxes and four-sided polygons.

However, objects on layers with the NoMerge keyword applied cannot be split (or joined). The Edit Tech Params button in the Attributes Menu brings up an editor that allows changing of this status.

This functionality is also available from the Split Horiz and Split Vert buttons in the Join or Split Objects panel from the Join/Split button in the Edit Menu.

Wire objects can be split similar to polygons if the Include wires (as polygons) in join/split check box in the Join or Split Objects panel is set, or equivalently if the JoinSplitWires variable is set.

If an argument is given that has v,V, or 1 as a first character, the splitting orientation is along the vertical, i.e., objects are divided by vertical lines that intersect the vertices. This is the mode used by the Split Vert button. Otherwise, splitting favors the horizontal orientation.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29