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The !mkscript Command: Create Current Cell Script

Syntax: !mkscript [-d depth] [filename]
This command writes a script file that will create the contents of the current cell, and its hierarchy to arbitrary depth. When executed, the script will create the cells, and place objects and subcells as needed to recreate the original cells.

This could be useful as a starting point for creating parameterized cells. It might also be useful to new users for learning the scripting language.

The function presently works in one mode only, i.e., you can generate a script that will build electrical or physical cells or hierarchies, but not both modes together. One could generate a script for each mode and combine them by hand, however.

The depth argument is an integer depth, with 0 being the default, which indicates to write the current cell only. The value -1 or a word starting with `a' indicate all levels.

If a filename is given, output goes to that file. Otherwise, the script is written to ``mkscript.scr'' in the current directory.

Although things seem pretty solid for physical mode, electrical mode is far more complex and should be considered experimental at this point. There are probably things that don't work, for example mutual inductors probably won't be created. The situation should improve in time, though it is not clear if this feature is of much use in electrical mode.

Incorporation of this feature led to some significant updates in script functions and elsewhere for efficient support.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29