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The !ssh Command: Connect to Remote System

Syntax: !ssh [hostname]
This command will pop up a terminal window that will contain an ssh login process to a remote host. If the hostname is not given with the command, it will be prompted for.

The hostname can actually contain additional ssh options if needed, and the name of the host can be in the form user@host, which allows logging in as user.

The ssh process will establish X forwarding to the remote system, and will automatically set the SpiceHostDisplay variable if authentication is achieved before a time out. This facilitates using WRspice on the remote system to perform simulations in electrical mode, from the run button in the side menu. The remote system must have a wrspiced daemon running, and the SpiceHost variable should be set to the remote host name. The X forwarding provided by the !ssh shell takes care of display string setting and permissions. The !ssh shell must remain active while WRspice is in use, as exiting the shell will break the connection to WRspice graphics.

See the description of the SpiceHostDisplay variable in E.12 for more information.

This command will work under Windows, if Cygwin is installed, along with the Cygwin OpenSSH package. The ssh program will be found if it resides in /bin or /cygwin/bin on the current disk, or if the CYGWIN_BIN environment variable is set to the path to the directory that contains the ssh.exe binary. This is the Windows path, not the path within Cygwin. Xic is not a Cygwin program, and knows nothing about Cygwin mount points or symbolic links.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29