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There are four search paths that may be specified. In each case, the
path specification consists of a keyword, followed by the path. The
format of the path is described in section 2.6
detailing the Xic search paths.
In the path defaults below, if the XT_PREFIX environment
variable is defined, its value will replace ``/usr/local''.
- Path path
The Path keyword specifies the path to design data files:
native cell, archive, and library files. The current directory ``.''
should generally be listed first in this path. The design data path can
also be set in the environment with the XIC_SYM_PATH variable.
A specification in the technology file will override a specification
in the environment.
Default: ( . )
- LibPath path
The LibPath keyword specifies the path to the startup files.
The startup files include the device library (default name device.lib), and the model library (default name model.lib).
This path can also be set with the environment variable XIC_LIB_PATH, and a specification in the technology file will
override an environment specification. Unlike other search paths, the
current directory is always checked first when looking for files in
this path, as if '.' was the first component.
Default: ( . /usr/local/xictools/xic/startup )
- HlpPath path
The HlpPath lists directories containing database files for the
help system. These files have names with suffix .hlp, and it is
possible for users to create customized help files for their own
purposes (the format is described in C.3). The help path
can also be specified with the environment variable XIC_HLP_PATH, which will be overridden by a specification in the
technology file.
Default: ( /usr/local/xictools/xic/help )
- ScriptPath path
The ScriptPath contains directories where Xic searches for
user generated command scripts. The script files have names with
suffix ``.scr'', except for the library script which is named
``library''. This path can also be set with the environment
variable XIC_SCR_PATH, which will be overridden by a
specification in the technology file.
Default:( /usr/local/xictools/xic/scripts ).
Note that the XIC_LIB_PATH variable can be used to define the
location of the technology file, and then redefined in the technology
file to provide alternate locations for the device and model library
The path keywords, and all other keywords, are interpreted without
case sensitivity when the technology file is read.
Next: Technology File Scripts
Up: Technology File
Previous: Technology File Global Variables
Stephen R. Whiteley