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Attribute Menu Commands

The following !set variables affect the commands found in the Attributes Menu.

Value: boolean.
When set, Xic will use the hex format when writing stipple patterns for layers when writing a technology file. If unset, an ASCII format, that provides a rendition of the map, is used. The hex format is compatible with Xic releases prior to 3.2.25, if the stipple map sizes are restricted to 8x8, 16x8, 8x16, or 16x16. Technology files can be written using the Save Tech button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: boolean or string.
When a technology file is written with the Save Tech button, by default entries that would set a parameter to a program default value are omitted, as they are redundant and increase the size and complexity of the file. This will be the case when this variable is not set. If this variable is set to no value, i.e., as a boolean, then these lines will be added to the technology file as comments. If this variable is set to any value, then these lines will be added as active text.

This variable tracks the radio buttons in the Write Tech File pop-up which appears from the Save Tech button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: integer, default e38 (hex).
This sets the line style mask of the boxes used in electrical mode, and in physical mode for some highlighting purposes, such as the current cell boundary. The style is an integer whose binary value is replicated to form the lines used in the box. The line style editor in the Grid Setup panel can be used to generate line style masks.

The Global Attributes button in the Tech Parameter Editor provides a prompt-line interface for setting this variable. This is called from the Edit Tech Params button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: boolean.
If given, the area inside the bounding box of text generated by the Show Phys Properties command in the Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu or the sub-window Attributes menu is erased, to promote visibility of the text.

This tracks the state of the Erase behind physical properties text check box in the Phys Props page of the Window Attributes panel from the Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: integer 6-48.
This variable can be used to set the height, in pixels, of the text used to render physical properties on-screen when physical properties are being displayed. If not set, the default is 14.

This tracks the state of the Physical property text size (pixels) entry area in the Phys Props page of the Window Attributes panel from the Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: boolean or ``all''.
If set, the area inside the bounding box of terminals made visible by the Show Terminals command is erased, to promote visibility of the text. If set to ``all'', all terminals are erased behind, otherwise only the cell's formal terminals are erased behind.

This tracks the setting of the Erase behind physical terminals menu in the Terminals page of the Window Attributes panel from the Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: integer 6-48.
This variable can be used to set the height, in pixels, of the text used in rendering terminals and cell labels in electrical mode. If not set, the default is 14.

This tracks the setting of the Terminal text pixel size entry in the Terminals page of the Window Attributes panel from the Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: integer 6-48.
This variable can be used to reset the pixel size of the cross used as a terminal mark. If not set, the default is 10.

This tracks the setting of the Terminal mark size entry in the Terminals page of the Window Attributes panel from the Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu.

Value: boolean or ``n'' of ``a''.
This variable sets the mode used to display connection indications (dots) in schematics in electrical mode. It tracks and sets the state of the buttons in the Connection Points panel available from the Connection Dots button in the Attributes Menu.

If not set or set as a boolean, the normal indication is used, whereby only ``ambiguous'' connection points are marked. These are wire vertices common to two or more wires (except for common end vertices of two wires), non-endpoint wire vertices common with device or subcircuit terminals, and any point common to three or more terminals or wire vertices. Note that the default for release 4.3.13 and earlier was to not show connection dots.

If set to ``none'' or any word starting with `n' or `n', no connection point indication is used. If set to ``all'' of any word starting with `a' or `A', all connections are marked with a dot. This is sometimes useful to see if a connection actually exists at a given location.

The computation of dot locations can be repeated by turning dots off, then on again. This may be needed occasionally to correct misplaced dots.

Value: boolean.
When this variable is set, the default cursor consists of horizontal and vertical lines that extend completely across the drawing window. The lines intersect at the nearest snap point in the current window.

This variable tracks the state of the Use full-window cursor check box in the General page of the Window Attributes panel. The Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu produces this.

Value: integer 0-100.
This sets the size threshold in pixels for physical mode subcells to be shown in the display. If not set, the value is effectively 4. Subcells that are smaller than this size in the display are either shown as a bounding box, or not shown at all, depending on the setting of the Subthreshold Boxes button in the Main Window sub-menu in the Attributes Menu or the sub-window Attributes menu. If set to 0, all detail is drawn, which can significantly increase rendering time. This applies to hard copy output as well as to on-screen rendering.

This variable tracks the Subcell visibility threshold (pixels) entry area in the General page of the Window Attributes panel from the Set Attributes button in the Attributes Menu.

In electrical mode, the threshold is effectively fixed at one pixel.

Value: boolean.
When this boolean variable is set, as one zooms out, when the fine grid becomes so fine that it is not shown, the coarse grid will also not be shown. Otherwise, the coarse grid (only) will be shown. This tracks the state of the check box in the All Windows group in the Style page of the Grid Setup panel of the main window. This can be brought up with the Set Grid button in the Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu. This applies in physical mode only, in electrical mode the coarse grid is not shown without the fine grid.

Value: integer 4-40, default 8.
This sets the number of pixels that is the minimum grid spacing, in both physical and electrical modes. If the grid were to have a smaller displayed spacing, it will not be shown. Accepted values are in the range 4 - 40, and the value is taken as 8 if this variable is not set. This tracks the value of the numerical entry area in the All Windows group in the Style page of the Grid Setup panel for the main window. This can be brought up with the Set Grid button in the Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29