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- (int) PathToEnd(path_name, dir)
This function manipulates path strings. The string path_name
can be anything, but it is usually one of ``Path'', ``LibPath'', ``HlpPath'', or ``ScrPath'', i.e., the name of
a search path. The string dir will be appended to the path if
it does not exist in the path, or is moved to the end if it does. If
the path_name is not a recognized path keyword, a variable of
that name will be created to hold the path. This can be used to store
alternate paths.
- (int) PathToFront(path_name, dir)
This is similar to the PathToEnd function, but the dir
will be added or moved to the front of the path.
- (int) InPath(path_name, dir)
This function returns 1 if dir is included in the path named in
path_name, 0 otherwise.
- (int) RemovePath(path_name, dir)
This function removes the directory dir from the search path, if
it is present. The return value is 1 if the path was modified, 0
otherwise. The path_name argument has the same meaning as in
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Stephen R. Whiteley