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The following group of functions relate to lists of strings accessed by
a handle. Such lists are returned by functions that find, for
example, the list of layers in the current technology file, of a list
of subcells in the current cell. Lists can also be defined by the
user and are quite convenient for some purposes.
- (stringlist_handle) StringHandle(string,
This function returns a handle to a list of strings which are derived
by splitting the string argument at characters found in the sepchars string. If sepchars is empty or null, the strings
will be separated by white space, so each string in the handle list
will be a word from the argument string.
- (stringlist_handle) ListHandle(arglist)
This function creates a list of strings corresponding to the variable
number of arguments, and returns a handle to the list. The arguments
are converted to strings in the manner of the Print function,
however each argument corresponds to a unique string in the list. The
strings are accessed in (left to right) order of the arguments.
If no arguments are given, a handle to an empty list is returned.
Calls to ListAddFront and/or ListAddBack can be used to
add strings subsequently.
- (string) ListContent(stringlist_handle)
This function returns the string currently referenced by the handle,
and does not increment the handle to the next string in the
list. If the handle is not found or contains no further list
elements, a null string is returned. The function will fail if the
handle is not a reference to a list of strings.
- (int) ListReverse(stringlist_handle)
This function reverses the order of strings in the stringlist handle
passed. If the operation succeeds the return value is 1, or if the
list is empty or an error occurs the value is 0.
- (string) ListNext(stringlist_handle)
This function will return the string at the front of the list
referenced by the handle, and set the handle to reference the next
string in the list. The function will fail if the handle is not a
reference to a list of strings. A null string is returned if the
handle is not found, or after all strings in the list have been
- (int) ListAddFront(stringlist_handle, string)
This function adds string to the front of the list of strings
referenced by the handle, so that the handle immediately references
the new string. The function will fail if the handle is not a
reference to a string list, or the given string is null. The return
value is 1 unless the handle is not found, in which case 0 is
- (int) ListAddBack(stringlist_handle, string)
This function adds string to the back of the list of strings
referenced by the handle, so that the handle references the new string
after all existing strings have been cycled. The function will fail
if the handle is not a reference to a string list, or the given string
is null. The return value is 1 unless the handle is not found, in
which case 0 is returned.
- (int) ListAlphaSort(stringlist_handle)
This function will alphabetically sort the list of strings referenced
by the handle. The function will fail if the handle is not a
reference to a list of strings. The return value is 1 unless the
handle is not found, in which case 0 is returned.
- (int) ListUnique(stringlist_handle)
This function deletes duplicate strings from the string list
referenced by the handle, so that strings remaining in the list are
unique. The function will fail if the handle is not a reference to a
list of strings. The return value is 1 unless the handle is not
found, in which case 0 is returned.
- (string) ListFormatCols(stringlist_handle,
This function returns a string which contains the column formatted
list of strings referenced by the handle. The columns argument
sets the page width in character columns. This function is useful for
formatting lists of cell names, for example. The return is a null
string if the handle is not found. The function fails if the handle
does not reference a list of strings.
- (string) ListConcat(stringlist_handle,
This function returns a string consisting of each string in the list
referenced by the handle separated by the sepchars string. If
the sepchars string is empty or null, there is no separation
between the strings. The function will fail if the handle does not
reference a list of strings. A null string is returned if the handle
is not found.
- (int) ListIncluded(stringlist_handle, string)
This function compares string to each string in the list
referenced by the handle and returns 1 if a match is found (case
sensitive). If no match, or the handle is not found, 0 is returned.
The function will fail if the handle is not a reference to a list of
Next: String Manipulation and Conversion
Up: Main Functions 2
Previous: Regular Expressions
Stephen R. Whiteley