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Up: Main Functions 3
Previous: Pseudo-Flat Generator
- (real) Distance(x, y, x1, y1)
This function computes the distance between two points, given in
microns, returning the distance between the points in microns.
- (real) MinDistPointToSeg(x, y, x1,
y1, x2, y2, aret)
This function computes the shortest distance from x,y to the
line segment defined by the next four arguments. The aret is an
array of size at least 4, used for returned coordinates. If no return
is needed, this argument can be set to 0. Upon return of a value
greater than 0, the first two values in aret are x and
y, the next two values are the point on the segment closest to
x,y. All values are in microns.
- (real) MinDistPointToObj(x, y,
object_handle, aret)
This function computes the minimum distance from the point x,y
to the boundary of the object given by the handle. The aret is
an array of size at least 4 for return coordinates. If the return is
not needed, this argument can be given as 0. Upon return of a value
greater than 0, the first two values of aret will be x and y, the next two values will be the point on the boundary of the
object closest to x,y. The function returns 0 if x,y
touch or are enclosed in the object. The function will fail if the
handle is not a reference to an object list. If there is an internal
error, -1 is returned. All coordinates are in microns.
- (real) MinDistSegToObj(x1, y1, x2,
y2, object_handle, aret)
This function computes the minimum distance from the line segment
defined by the first four arguments to the boundary of the object
given by the handle. The aret is an array of size at least 4
for return coordinates. If the return is not needed, this argument
can be given as 0. Upon return of a value greater than 0, the first
two values of aret will be the point on the line segment nearest
the object, the next two values will be the point on the boundary of
the object nearest to the line segment. The function returns 0 if the
line segment touches or overlaps the object. The function will fail
if the handle is not a reference to an object list. If there is an
internal error, -1 is returned. All coordinates are in microns.
- (real) MinDistObjToObj(object_handle1,
object_handle2, aret)
This function computes the minimum distance between the two objects
referenced by the handles. The aret is an array of size at
least 4 for return coordinates. If the return is not needed, this
argument can be given as 0. Upon return of a value greater than 0,
the first two values of aret will be the point on the boundary
of the first object nearest the second object, the next two values
will be the point on the boundary of the second object nearest to the
first object. The function returns 0 if the objects touch or overlap.
The function will fail if either handle is not a reference to an
object list. If there is an internal error, -1 is returned. All
coordinates are in microns.
- (real) MaxDistPointToObj(x, y,
object_handle, aret)
This function finds the vertex of the object referenced by the handle
farthest from the point x,y and returns this distance. The aret is an array of size at least 4 for return coordinates. If the
return is not needed, this argument can be given as 0. Upon return of
a value greater than 0, the first two values of aret will be x
and y, the next two values will be the vertex of the object
farthest from x,y. The function will fail if the handle is
not a reference to an object list. If there is an internal error, -1
is returned. All coordinates are in microns.
- (real) MaxDistObjToObj(object_handle1,
object_handle2, aret)
This function finds the pair of vertices, one from each object, that
are farthest apart. Both handles can be the same. The aret is
an array of size at least 4 for return coordinates. If the return is
not needed, this argument can be given as 0. Upon return of a value
greater than 0, the first two values of aret will be the vertex
from the first object, the next two values will be the vertex from the
second object. The function will fail if either handle is not a
reference to an object list. If there is an internal error, -1 is
returned. All coordinates are in microns.
- (int) Intersect(object_handle1,
object_handle2, touchok)
This function determines whether the two objects referenced by the
handles touch or overlap. The return value is 1 if the objects touch
or overlap, 0 if the objects do not touch or overlap, or -1 if either
handle points to an empty list or some other error occurred. The
function fails if either handle is not a reference to an object list.
If the touchok argument is nonzero, 1 will be returned if the
objects touch but do not overlap. If touchok is 0, objects must
overlap (have nonzero intersection area) for 1 to be returned.
Next: Layout File Input/Output Functions
Up: Main Functions 3
Previous: Pseudo-Flat Generator
Stephen R. Whiteley