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Previous: Layout File Input/Output Functions
There is provision for a layer aliasing mechanism which is applied
when a data file is read. This capability is exported through an
interface consisting of the UseLayerAlias and LayerAlias
variables, and the script functions described below.
This is different from the LppName aliasing which applies to
Xic layers, and is built into the layer database. The conversion
aliases apply only while a layout file is being read.
- (int) ReadLayerCvAliases(handle_or_filename)
The argument can be either a string giving a file name, or a file
handle as returned from the Open function or equivalent (opened
for reading). This function will read layer aliases, adding the
definitions to the layer alias table. The format consists of lines of
the form
where both name and newname are four-character CIF-type
layer names, and there is one definition per line. Lines with a
syntax error or bad layer name are silently ignored. When the layer
alias table is active, layers read from an input file will be
substituted, i.e., if a layer named name is read, it will be
replaced with newname. For data formats that use layer number
and datatype numbers, such as GDSII, the layer names should be in the
form of a four or eight-byte hex number, using upper case, where the
left bytes represent the hex value of the layer number, zero padded,
and the right bytes represent the zero padded datatype number. The
eight-byte form should be used if the layer or datatype is larger than
255. Alternatively, the decimal form L,D is accepted for layer
tokens, where the decimal layer and datatype numbers are separated by
a comma with no space.
The function returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
- (int) DumpLayerCvAliases(handle_or_filename)
The argument can be either a string giving a file name, or a file
handle as returned from the Open function or equivalent (opened
for writing). This function will dump the layer alias table. The
format consists of lines of the form
with one definition per line, where name and newname are
CIF-type four character layer names, with newname being the
replacement. The function returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
- (int) ClearLayerCvAliases()
This function will remove all entries in the layer alias table.
The function always returns 1.
- (int) AddLayerCvAlias(lname, new_lname)
This function will add the layer name string new_lname as an
alias for the layer name string lname to the layer alias table.
If an error occurs, or an alias for lname already exists in the
table (it will not be replaced) the function returns 0. The function
otherwise returns 1.
- (int) RemoveLayerCvAlias(lname)
This function removes any alias for lname from the layer alias
table. The function always returns 1.
- (string) GetLayerCvAlias(lname)
This function returns a string containing the alias for the passed
layer name string, obtained from the layer alias table. If no alias
exists for lname, a null string is returned.
Next: Cell Name Mapping
Up: Layout File Input/Output Functions
Previous: Layout File Input/Output Functions
Stephen R. Whiteley