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Electrical Nodes

(int) IncludeNoPhys(flag)
This sets an internal mode which applies to the other functions in this group. If the boolean flag argument is nonzero, devices with the nophys property set will be considered when generating the connectivity and node mapping structures. This has relevance when a device has the shorted option to nophys set, as such devices will be considered as normal devices with the flag set. If the flag is unset, these devices will be taken as short circuits, which of course alters the node assignments.

Internally, the extraction functions always take these devices as shorted, and they are otherwise ignored. When generating a SPICE file during simulation or with other commands in the side menu, these devices are included as normal devices. The present state of the netlist data structures will reflect the state of the last operation.

Setting this flag will cause rebuilding of the data structures to the requested state if necessary when one of the functions in this section is called. This persists until some other function, such as an extraction or SPICE listing function is called, at which time the internal state of the flag may change. Thus, this function may need to be called repeatedly ahead of the functions in this section.

The return value is the previous value of the internal flag.

(int) GetNumberNodes()
Return the size of the internal node map. The internal node numbers range from 0 up to but not including this value. The return value is 0 on error or if the cell is empty.

(int) SetNodeName(node, name)
This function associates the string name with the node number given in the first argument. This affects the electrical database, and is equivalent to setting a node name with the node mapping facility available in the side menu in electrical mode. Netlist output will use the given string name rather than a default name, however if the existing default name matches a global node name, the user-supplied name will be ignored. If the name given is null or empty, any existing given name is deleted, and netlist output will use the node number. The function returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

(string) GetNodeName(node)
This function returns a string name for the given node number. If a name has been given for that node, the name is returned, otherwise an internally generated default name is returned. If the operation fails, a null string is returned.

(int) GetNodeNumber(name)
This function returns the node number corresponding to the name string passed as an argument. If no mapping to the string is found, -1 is returned.

(int) GetNodeGroup(node)
This function returns the group index in the physical cell that corresponds to the given node number. On error, -1 is returned.

(terminal_handle) ListNodePins(node)
Note: This and ListNodeContacts replace ListNodeTerminals, which was removed in 4.2.12.

Return a handle to the list of cell connection terminals bound to the internal node number supplied as the argument. There probably will be at most one such connection.

(terminal_handle) ListNodeContacts(node)
Note: This and ListNodePins replace ListNodeTerminals, which was removed in 4.2.12.

Return a handle to a list of device and subcircuit connection terminals bound to the specified node.

(object_handle) GetNodeContactInstance(terminal_handle)
For a handle to an instance contact, such as returned from ListNodeContacts, this function will return a handle to the device or subcircuit instance that provides the contact.

(stringlist_handle) ListNodePinNames(node)
Note: This and ListNodeContactNames replace ListNodeTerminalNames, which was removed in 4.2.12.

Return a list of cell connection terminal names that connect to the given node. There is likely at most one cell connection per node.

(stringlist_handle) ListNodeContactNames(node)
Note: This and ListNodePinNames replace ListNodeTerminalNames, which was removed in 4.2.12.

Return a list of device and subcircuit contact names that connect to the given node.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29