There are a number of internal variables which control various properties of the file readers/writers, translation modes, etc. These are the same variables as used in Xic. In some cases, these variables are overridden by command line options, but in cases where no applicable option exists, these variables can be set to provide the desired effect. Variables can also be set in the .filetoolrc file. Variables set from the command line will override settings in the .filetoolrc file.
The -set options must appear first on the command line, and unlike the other main directives, can appear ahead of the other directives. These are optional.
The format can take two forms: either a single -set option followed by a quoted list of name=value pairs:
-set "name1=value1 name2 name3=value3 ..."or, each name=value pair can have its own ``-set'':
-set name1=value1 -set name2 -set name3=value3
Note that the value part is optional, for boolean variables. The token following each ``-set'' must not contain white space, or be quoted if it contains white space, e.g.,
-set "name = value"is legitimate.
The following variables have relevance to operations that are available through the FileTool.
In addition to the variables listed in the table, which are Xic variables, there is one special boolean variable recognized:
timedbg[=filename]If set, run times for various operations are printed, similar to enabling the !timedbg feature in Xic. If set to a value, the value is taken as a path to a file for the timing messages.
Database Setup | |
DatabaseResolution | |
Symbol Path | |
NoReadExclusive |
AddToBack |
Conversion - General | |
MultiMapOk UnknownGdsLayerBase |
NoStrictCellnames |
Conversion - Import and Conversion Commands | |
NoOverwritePhys NoOverwriteElec NoOverwriteLibCells NoCheckEmpties NoReadLabels MergeInput NoPolyCheck DupCheckMode LayerList UseLayerList LayerAlias |
InToLower InToUpper InUseAlias InCellNamePrefix InCellNameSuffix NoMapDatatypes CifLayerMode OasReadNoChecksum OasPrintNoWrap OasPrintOffset |
Conversion - Export Commands | |
KeepLibMasters SkipInvisible KeepBadArchive NoCompressContext RefCellAutoRename UseCellTab SkipOverrideCells OutToLower OutToUpper OutUseAlias OutCellNamePrefix OutCellNameSuffix CifOutStyle CifOutExtensions |
GdsOutLevel GdsMunit NoGdsMapOk OasWriteCompressed OasWriteNameTab OasWriteRep OasWriteChecksum OasWriteNoTrapezoids OasWriteWireToBox OasWriteRndWireToPoly OasWriteNoGCDcheck OasWriteUseFastSort OasWritePrptyMask |
Geometry | |
JoinMaxPolyGroup JoinMaxPolyQueue |
PartitionSize |