***************************************************************************** Copyright 2003: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Code: UFSOI-7.5 (UFPDB-2.5 and FD/SOI) Models and Type-I Interface Authors: UF SOI Group ***************************************************************************** The UFSOI (PDB and FD) MOSFET models were developed at the University of Florida, Gainesville. The Type-I interface (api and glue for Spice3e2) source code can be obtained from the University of Florida (Professor J. G. Fossum, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Gainesville, FL 32611-6130; fossum@tec.ufl.edu), but the UF copyright prohibits any subsequent distribution or transfer, either in original or modified form, in whole or in part, to another party or person without express permission from Professor Fossum. The Spice3e2 source code was developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is public-domain, but its distribution is restricted by a similar UCB copyright.