Next: Circuit Elements
Up: Verilog Interface
Previous: .verilog, .endv Lines
- General Form:
This line of WRspice input converts a SPICE signal into a digital
signal for the Verilog block. Such lines are used only as an adjunct
to Verilog.
- General Form:
.adc digital_var node_name [offset] [delta]
The parameters have the following interpretation:
- digital_var
A qualified name of a variable in the Verilog block, which
can include a range specification.
- node_name
The node of the circuit to convert, not including any ``v()"''.
Current branches can be accessed as ``name#branch''.
- offset (optional, default 0)
An optional real number subtracted from value before conversion (default 0).
- delta (optional, default 1)
The size of an lsb for conversion. This is optional, defaulting to 1.
The transfer function is:
value = value - offset
if (value >
value = value + 0.5*delta
value = value - 0.5*delta
conversion = (integer) (value/delta)
The offset and delta arguments to the .adc line can
be expressions. These will be evaluated once only, as the circuit is
read in.
Next: Circuit Elements
Up: Verilog Interface
Previous: .verilog, .endv Lines
Stephen R. Whiteley