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Physical subcircuit associations

If the physical cell contains subcells, then this table will appear. The first column gives that name of a subcell found in the physical cell. If the cell is actually an array, each element of the array will be listed, with the array indices in parentheses following the name. The second column is the internal index assigned to the subcell for physical mode. If there is a corresponding electrical subcell, the electrical subcell type and name will be shown, following a colon. The subcell type is the same as the physical subcell name. The subcell name is the subcircuit name in the schematic. This usually follows the SPICE convention of using 'X' as the leading character. This is followed by a listing of the subcircuit terminals, one line per terminal. The physical group numbers in the cell and subcell are printed to the left of the colon. To the right of the colon, the electrical node numbers (in parentheses) and names in the electrical cell and subcell are printed. If a group number is not associated, the corresponding node number is shown as ``-1'' and the node name is ``???''.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29