Next: The LR Extraction Panel
Up: The Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
Previous: Output File
- It is easy to generate input files that take an excessively
long time to run. This is probably the most common pitfall. The
run time increases with increasing segment count. The segment
count is approximately proportional to the number of lines in the
input file.
- Non-Manhattan features can be very bad news. These are
``Manhattanized'' by converting non-Manhattan edges into stepwise
approximations. The large number of edges that can be produced by
this may lead te excessive run time. The FhManhGridCnt entry in
the Params page of the control panel can be decreased to reduce
the number of segments.
- Too-few segments is also to be avoided, as the calculation may
not be suitably accurate. The Volume Element Refinement check
box in the Params page should always be checked. The entered
number can be varied, the user should experiment. Larger values
should provide better accuracy at the expense of longer computation
- One should not try to extract ``too much'', due to the FastHenry
limitations. How much is too much depends on a lot a factors, the
user should experiment to gain a feel for their process and computer
Next: The LR Extraction Panel
Up: The Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
Previous: Output File
Stephen R. Whiteley