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Grid Registers

The grid registers from the Grid Setup pop-up are saved in the technology file if they contain a non-default grid.

$\textstyle \parbox{4in}{{\tt ElecGridReg}{\it N} {\it spec}\\
{\tt PhysGridReg}{\it N} {\it spec}}$
The N is an integer value in the range 1-7. Each register index can store both a physical and electrical grid specification. The specifications define the contents of the grid registers, available in the Grid Setup panel and elsewhere.

The spec string has the form:

snapspace snapval linestyle [xsize] [-a axes] [-d dsp] [-t ontop] [-m cmult]

The first three tokens are mandatory, and must appear in the order shown.

snapspace (real number)
The spacing between snap points, in microns.

snapval (integer, -10 through 10 excluding 0)
If the value is positive, it sets the number of snap points per fine grid line. For example, a value of 3 would indicate that a fine grid line is drawn at every third snap point. If negative, this sets the number of fine grid lines per snap interval. In this case, a value of three indicates that fine grid lines appear at snap points and at the 1/3 and 2/3 proportional distances within the snap interval.

linestyle (integer)
This is the line style code. The value is 0 for a dot grid, otherwise the bit pattern represents the line dashes, as for the GridStyle keyword.

The remaining tokens are optional, and can follow the first three in any order.

xsize (integer 0-6)
If the linestyle code is 0 (for a dot grid), then a fourth number can appear. This is an integer 0-6 which indicates the number of pixels in the four orthogonal directions to extend the dot into a cross.

-a axes (integer 0-2)
This sets the axes presentation mode in physical mode. If 0, axes are shown and the origin decorated. If 1, plain axes are shown, and if 2, axes aren't shown.

-d dsp (boolean)
This sets whether the grid is displayed or not. The dsp token can be about any alphanumeric token that by convention indicates true or false.

-t ontop (boolean)
This sets whether the grid is displayed after all geometry (``on top'') or before geometry. The ontop token can be about any alphanumeric token that by convention indicates true or false.

-m cmult (integer 1-50)
This sets the number of fine grid lines per coarse grid line.
For backward compatibility, ``GridReg'' is accepted as ``PhysGridReg''.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29