Next: Grid Presentation
Up: Technology File
Previous: Technology File Standard Via
Technology File Attributes
The keywords described below appear (by convention) after the layer
specifications, and control various global attributes of Xic.
These are broken down into categories, which are presented in the
order in which they will be written to a new technology file created
by Xic. Actual order in the file is unimportant. The categories
- Grid Presentation
Display options for the grid, which can be adjusted from within
Xic in the Style page of the Grid Setup panel.
- Misc. Presentation
Other general display attributes that correspond to the entries in the
Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu.
- Attribute Colors
Colors used for background, highlighting, etc.
- Grid and Edge Snapping
Parameters for grid spacing and edge snapping, which can be adjusted
from within Xic in the Snapping page of the Grid Setup
- Function Key Assignments
Command mapping to keyboard function keys.
- Grid Registers
Saved grid register contents.
- Layer Palette Registers
Saved palette register contents.
- Font Assignments
Fonts used by the graphical user interface.
- Keyword Variables
Variable initialization as keywords.
Keywords listed in the first three categories (Grid
Presentation, Misc. Presentation, and Attribute Colors
can also appear in print driver blocks, in which case they are in
effect when printing with that driver.
In the syntax descriptions, the italicized quantities represent data
the needs to be provided. The ``y|
n'' symbol implies that one
of `y' or `n' should follow the keyword. Actually, `0' (zero), or any word that begins with the letters or sequence
(case insensitive) `n', `f', `of' is taken as a
false value. Anything else, including no following text, is taken as
true (`y' is always redundant).
Next: Grid Presentation
Up: Technology File
Previous: Technology File Standard Via
Stephen R. Whiteley