Next: Attribute Colors
Up: Technology File Attributes
Previous: Grid Presentation
These keywords set initial values for a number of display attributes.
These generally apply to all drawing windows, but the values can be
reset on a per-window basis within Xic. For the main window, most
have corresponding toggle buttons in the Main Window sub-menu of
the Attributes Menu. In sub-windows, the buttons are located
within the Attributes menu itself.
The keywords described in this section can also appear within
print driver blocks. If they appear in a print driver block, the
setting will apply on-screen when that driver is active in printing
mode, and in the printer output.
- Expand num
This keyword sets the initial expansion level for subcells, for both
electrical and physical modes. If zero, no subcells are expanded. If
-1, all subcells will be shown expanded. A positive integer indicates
that subcells up to that depth will be shown expanded.
Default: 0
In Xic, the Expand pop-up controls expansion level, on a
per-window basis. This panel is available from the Expand
button in the main and sub-window View menus.
These forms allow the expansion level for electrical and physical
modes to be set separately.
- DisplayAllText num
This keyword sets whether label text is displayed or not, for both
electrical and physical modes. If num is 0, labels will not be
displayed. If 1 (actually, any number not 0 or 2), labels will be
displayed in ``legible'' orientation. If 2, labels will be shown in
true orientation, i.e., rotated and mirrored as placed and transformed
along with the containing instance.
Default: 1
The Show Labels and Label True Orient buttons in the Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu and in the Attributes menu of sub-windows control these settings.
These forms allow the display of label text for electrical and
physical modes to be set separately.
- ShowPhysProps [y|
This keyword sets whether physical property strings are displayed
in physical mode.
Default: n
The Show Phys Properties button in the Main Window sub-menu
of the Attributes Menu and in the Attributes menu of
sub-windows controls this setting.
- LabelAllInstances num
This keyword sets whether unexpanded instances are labeled or not, for
both electrical and physical modes. If num is 0, instances
will not be labeled. If 1, instances will be labeled, with the label
appearing either in horizontal or vertical orientation, whichever
provides the best fit into the cell bounding box. If 2, the cell name
is rotated and mirrored along with the cell.
Default: 1
The Show Cell Names and Cell Name True Orient buttons in
the Main Window sub-menu of the Attributes Menu and in the
Attributes menu of sub-windows control these settings.
These forms allow the display of unexpanded instance text for
electrical and physical modes to be set separately.
- ShowContext [y|
When given `y', the context surrounding a subcell is shown during
a sub-edit initiated with the Push command in the Cell Menu.
This applies to both electrical and physical modes.
Default: y
The Show Context in Push button in the Main Window
sub-menu of the Attributes Menu and in the Attributes menu
of sub-windows controls this setting.
These forms allow the display of editing context for electrical and
physical modes to be set separately.
- ShowTinyBB [y|
If `y' is given, tiny subcells will be represented by their bounding
box. Otherwise, these subcells will not be shown. The size threshold
is given by the CellThreshold variable, set with the !set
command. This applies to both electrical and physical modes.
Default: y
The Subthreshold Boxes button in the Main Window sub-menu
of the Attributes Menu and in the Attributes menu of
sub-windows controls this setting.
These forms allow the tiny subcell rendering for electrical and
physical modes to be set separately.
Next: Attribute Colors
Up: Technology File Attributes
Previous: Grid Presentation
Stephen R. Whiteley