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Up: Xic Variables
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Extraction Tech
These are mostly in support of the extraction system, but the
variables and keywords are handled by the main program, so can be set
or read if the extraction system is not available.
- AntennaTotal
Value: real number.
This variable applies to the !antenna command. The value is a
threshold total-net antenna ratio, as explained for the !antenna
command. The value is effectively passed to that command as a
The Global Attributes button in the Tech Parameter Editor
provides a prompt-line interface for setting this variable.
- Db3ZoidLimit
Value: integer 1000 or larger.
This limits the amount of geometry which can be saved in the 3-D
geometry database, which is used in the Cross Section command,
and in the interfaces to external capacitance and inductance
extraction programs. The total trapezoid element count is limited to
10000 by default, i.e., when this variable is not set. The database
is not designed for large collections, and the limit avoids embarking
on long computations where the program becomes unresponsive.
- LayerReorderMode
Value: integer 0-2.
This sets the default sequencing assumption used in the
three-dimensional layer sequence generator (see 12.8), which is
used for the cross-section display and the capacitance extraction
interface. This can be set to an integer in the range 0-2. The
value 0 is the default, the same as if the variable is not set. The
other values will internally resequence Via layers, as described
for the layer sequence generator.
The Global Attributes button in the Tech Parameter Editor
provides a prompt-line interface for setting this variable.
- NoPlanarize
Value: boolean.
If set, by default no layers are planarizing, as explained in the
description of the three-dimensional layer geometry database in
12.8. Otherwise, the default is that layers with the Conductor keyword given, explicitly or implicitly, or the Via
keyword given, will be planarizing by default. The Routing,
GroundPlane, GroundPlaneClear, Contact and their
aliases implicitly set the Conductor keyword. Thus, by default
the metal stack is planarized, as in a contemporary semiconductor
The Global Attributes button in the Tech Parameter Editor
provides a prompt-line interface for setting this variable.
- SubstrateEps
Value: real number.
This variable sets the relative dielectric constant assumed for the
substrate, used by the capacitance extraction interface. If not set,
the default is 11.9.
The Global Attributes button in the Tech Parameter Editor
provides a prompt-line interface for setting this variable.
- SubstrateThickness
Value: real number.
This variable sets the thickness of the substrate assumed by the
program, as a real number in microns. This is used only by the
capacitance extraction interface. If not set, a thickness of 75.0
microns will be assumed.
The Global Attributes button in the Tech Parameter Editor
provides a prompt-line interface for setting this variable.
Next: Extraction General
Up: Xic Variables
Previous: Design Rule Checking
Stephen R. Whiteley