The XicTools accessories are programs provided in the optional accessories distribution file. These are open-source programs, and the source code distribution can be found in the free software archive of
The programs in the accessories distributions are the following.
These tools and the supporting libraries are provided in the hope that they may be useful, under the GNU Library General Public License. This is open-source software, with no guarantees whatsoever, use at your own risk.
The graphics support library was originally written as a toolkit-independent layer between the application and the GUI. It is used in all graphical XicTools programs. Support was available for GTK-1 and GTK-2, Windows native WIN32, and QT. At present, the WIN32 and QT support have been discontinued, and GTK-1 is no longer used and the support is probably broken. The GTK-2 library is fully portable to all of the target platforms, so there is no compelling reason to supoort multiple toolkits at present. QT support was never finalized or used in Whiteley Research products, though it is currently in use in a product sold by another vendor which uses licensed Whiteley Research code. Eventually, the library will be updated to use GTK-3, which is the current toolkit under development by the GTK team.
If the framework looks like it might be useful in your commercial application, contact Whiteley Research for licensing info and help in porting/adapting.