There are several built-in source functions, which are based on and extend the source specifications in SPICE2. These generally produce time-dependent output for use in transient analysis. For brevity, these functions are referred to as ``tran functions''.
The tran functions are listed in the table below. If parameters other than source amplitudes are omitted, default values will be assumed. The tran functions, which require multiple space or comma separated arguments in a particular order, are:
exp exponential specification texp exponential specification gauss gaussian noise specification tgauss gaussian noise specification interp interpolation specification pulse pulse specification gpulse gaussian pulse specification pwl piecewise-linear specification sffm single frequency fm specification am amplitude modulated specification sin sinusoidal specification tsin sinusoidal specification spulse sinusoidal pulse specification table reference to a .table specification
The the texp, tgauss, and tsin are aliases to exp, gauss, and sin tran functions that avoid possible ambiguity with math functions of the same name.
Unlike the math functions, the tran functions have variable-length argument lists. If arguments are omitted, default values are assumed.
The tran functions are most often used to specify voltage/current source output, however in WRspice these can be used in general expressions. The sin, exp, gauss tran functions have names that conflict with math functions. There seems to be no way to absolutely reliably distinguish the tran vs. math functions by context, nor is it possible to exclusively rename the functions without causing huge compatibility problems.
Although the sin and exp functions are generally distinguishable except for one unlikely case, with the additional arguments to the gauss function for HSPICE compatibility in WRspice release 3.0.0, the problem is more acute.
It may be necessary to edit legacy WRspice input files to avoid this problem.
That being said, new intelligence has been added to differentiate between the two species. As in older releases, the argument count will in many cases resolve ambiguity.
First of all, to guarantee that the tran functions are used in an expression, they can be called by the synonym names tsin, texp, and tgauss.
If sin, exp, or gauss use white-space delimiting in the argument list, then they will be called as tran functions. The math functions always use commas to separate arguments. Commas are also legal argument separators in tran functions, but (perhaps) are not as frequently used. If comma argument separators are used, the math functions are assumed.
Note that almost all math functions (whith the exception of gauss and a few others) take a single complex vector argument. It is possible to give these functions multiple comma-separated ``arguments'', but in evaluation these are collapsed by evaluation of the comma operator:
a,b = (a + j*b)So, sin(1,1) is equivalent to sin((1+j)), which returns a complex value.
In earlier WRspice releases, sin(a,b) was always interpreted as the tran sin function, which has a minimum of two arguments (and similar for exp). Presently.
sin(a,b) comma delimiter implies math
sin(a b) space delimiter implies tran
If ambiguity occurs in a function specification for a voltage or current source, the tran function is favored if the specification is ambiguous.
The tran functions implicitly use time as an independent variable, and generally return 0 in dc analysis. Exceptions are the pwl and interp forms, which implicitly use the value of ``x'' which is context-specific. In dependent sources, this is the controlling value of the source rather than time. The table function takes its input directly from the second argument.
The tran functions can also be used in regular vector expressions. They generate a vector corresponding to the current scale, which must exist, be real, and monotonically increasing. The length of the returned vector is equal to the length of the scale.
For example:
(do a tran analysis to establish a reasonable scale)The construct can be used like any other token in a regular vector expression.
let a = pulse(0 1 10n 10n 10n 20n)
plot a (plots a pulse waveform)
The tran functions (other than table and interp) take constant expressions as arguments. The argument list consists of comma or space separated expressions. Arguments are parsed as follows:
There is no provision for a unary `+', thus, func(a, +b) is taken as func(a+b). Parenthesis can be added to enforce precedence. The minus sign handling implies that func(a, -b) and func(a -b) are taken as func((a), (-b)), whereas f(a-b), f(a- b), f(a - b), etc are taken as func((a)-(b)).
In addition to the built-in functions, expressions used in sources can include user defined functions, which must have been defined previously with the define command. These may be useful for encapsulating the tran functions.
Recall that a line in the deck starting with ``*@" will be executed before the deck is parsed.
title line
*@ define mypulse(delay, width) pulse(0 1 delay 1n 1n width)
v1 1 0 mypulse(5n, 10n)
r1 1 0 100
The following paragraphs describe the tran functions in detail.