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MOS Diode Model Parameters

In HSPICE this selects the area calculation method. WRspice uses only one model for the bulk-to-source and bulk-to-drain diodes. It corresponds to the HSPICE equivalent of ACM=0. Do not use this parameter for WRspice. ACM is not needed if AS, AD, PS, and PD are specified explicitly.
In HSPICE this is the zero-bias gate-edge sidewall bulk junction capacitance used with ACM=3 only. There is no WRspice equivalent.
In HSPICE this is the ``length of heavily doped diffusion'' and ``length of lightly doped diffusion''. They are used with the HSPICE ACM=2 MOS diode models, and there are no WRspice equivalents. HDIF and LDIF are not needed if AS, AD, PS, and PD are specified explicitly.
In HSPICE this is the ``emission coefficient'', and is taken as an alias for the BSIM3 NJ parameter.
In HSPICE this is additional drain resistance due to contact resistance. If RD is specified, use
RDnew = RDold + RDC
If RSH is specified, then RDC should be added to RD=NRD*RSH. Since NRD is a device parameter and not a model parameter, a typical NRD value must be used.
In HSPICE this is additional source resistance due to contact resistance. If RS is specified, use
RSnew = RSold + RSC
If RSH is specified, then RSC should be added to RS=NRS*RSH. Since NRS is a device parameter and not a model parameter, a typical NRS value must be used.
In HSPICE these are ``length of heavily doped diffusion'' and ``length of lightly doped diffusion'' used in the ACM=1-3 models. There are no WRspice equivalents. WMLT and LMLT are not needed if AS, AD PS, and PD are specified explicitly.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2025-02-09